As the counting for the 2017 UP civic polls are under way, BJP has taken a massive lead and is slated to win the elections. BJP MP Subramanian Swamy took to twitter and said that the saffron party is riding on the Ram Temple wave and further added that the it will culminate into a typhoon in 2019 Lok Shabha elections. Last week RSS chief, Mohan Bhagwat said that the Ram Mandir will be built at the disputed site and nowhere else. While addressing a three-day 'Dharam Sansad' of the VHP in Udupi, he said “ The Ram temple will be constructed at the site of Ramjanmabhoomi and nothing else will be built. It will be constructed and that too in its original form and with the same stones. It will be built under the leadership of those who led this movement and have been holding its flag for 20-25 years”.